Discrete Event Simulation

Python Pygame Simulation 

This project was created as a part of the graduate course CSE 6730 - Modeling and Simulation (Spring 2022) at Georgia Tech. Authors: Saran Reddy Gopavaram, Mugundhan Murugesan, Xiaoliang Yan, Hui Zhong.

In this project, we aim to answer the following research questions:
1) what are the primary factors contributing to passenger congestion inside an airport terminal?
2) what are the top reasons for airport traffic congestion?
3) what is the relationship between passenger congestion and airport traffic congestion?

These questions are answered by simulating the passenger flow, airport traffic flow and the coupling variables between passenger congestion and airport congestion. It is hypothesized that a positive correlation between passenger congestion and airport congestion will be observed, and the system can suffer from instability without proper intervention.

The project aims to provide further advice on proper intervention and setting standards to modulate system stability.

My contributions:
- Developed the passenger flow system of the simulation. (1/3 of the total simulation)
- Assisted in merging the code with other systems of the simulation.
- Contributed to writing report and video creation.

The detailed explanation of the simulation process and system is given on the github page: Github Repository

The demo of the simulation looks like this:

This website is designed for desktop view